Biggest question people ask themselves with their phone in hand ready to record a voice mail message. What do you say in a personal voicemail greeting? With a good voicemail message that lets people know who you are and what they need to do to contact you, you can return the call as soon as you need to. This article should help. Here are some great ideas for a personal voicemail greeting.
A great voicemail greeting can even make people look forward to you returning their call. Whether you want to install a professionally recorded voicemail greeting, or you want to record one yourself, it helps to know what you want to say before you record.
Voicemail greetings should be professional, but the structure can vary depending on the situation. While you’re updating your voicemail greeting, make sure you let callers know when they can expect to receive a call back from you or from someone else from your company.
Add A Personal touch to your voicemail greetings
Personal greetings can add a personal touch which makes returning calls a little less stressful. To use a voicemail greeting that’s just your greeting, but with a few extra details you add to really make it personal, ask yourself the following questions before you record.
When it comes to personalized greetings, you want your callers to know how to reach you, whether you can be reached on your business or personal number, and when they can expect to receive a response. What exactly you say in your voicemail is up to you. You want to make sure that the person on the other end of the phone knows exactly where they can expect to hear from you and that perhaps at a later time you’ll even be able to hear from them.
If you’ve ever heard a personal greeting with something other than ’hello’ or ‘good morning,’ or a business greeting with information such as ‘please call back’ or ‘pitch in,’ then you’ll have a good idea of what you should include in your voicemail greeting. So, what do you do in your own voicemail greeting?
Ideas for a personal voicemail greeting
Here are some key ideas:
Hi you have reached Ted, obviously I am away from my phone or I just can’t find it. Please leave me a message with you name and number and I’ll call you back soon, or later if my phone is really lost.
Hello you have reached the phone of Mandy. Thank you for calling, and if you will be so kind to leave me your name and number, I will call you back here in a few moments. Or just text me and I will try to get back to you sooner.
Personal greetings can add a personal touch. For your own personal phone you can be as crazy and creative, or as dull or dramatic as you want. Just be careful if your creating a business phone message. See our Business Voicemail Greetings posts for more info on creating those.
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